A whole lot of human beings spend maximum of their time on the net. Thinking about the quantity of time humans spend on the internet, businesses too have moved on-line. Having a website for enterprise owners of any length and a presence on social media has become important. In case you are right into a commercial enterprise and do no longer own a website, you might be losing a lot of potential customers online. Hence knowing the importance of digitalization and having a website but also being able to use it as your asset and grow with the help of it, is something we have are expertise in and it is the need of the hour in today’s time.

We have a creative team that helps in bringing your vision to life.  We have expert knowledge in domains such as website designing, social media marketing, Product Listing, Email automation, Sales Funnel (with Shopify), Banner, logo designing and all types of graphic designing. We help clients leave a lasting impression.

Our motto is not to just provide you a service but to provide a Solution to your Business Problem, Be it in any domain.

Acute Professional Services

Creating a website can sound daunting at times. Afterall, there are several aspects that you have to consider before embarking the Journey.

Have you thought about everything?

  1. Where will the website be hosted?
  2. What type of Graphics will your customer like to see?
  3. Which website layout is perfect for your business type?
  4. What Colour theme are you going for?
  5. Have you got SSL on your website for secure payment?
  6. How will you organize your content? How will you get people to read it?

Does all this sound scary and a bit too much, DON’T WORRY, That’s why we are here for you! Let us Help you.


  • A team of experts handpicked specially to deliver projects as per clients need
  • Design Responsive Websites ad help in end to end result
  • Guaranteed results through website SMO,SEO,PPC in Digital Marketing
  • 24/7 Support
  • We are result orientated. Commitment will only be made if outcome is confirmed. Every action will be taken with an object to move one step closer to profitability.
  • Transparency and Communication will be the key and working style.


Simple Website

1-4 Pages
Plus One-Time Bambee In-Depth HR Audit For: $250


1-3 Samples
Plus One-Time Bambee In-Depth HR Audit For: $100

IT Consulting

30 Minute
Plus One-Time Bambee In-Depth HR Audit For: $500